Day Program

Update March 1, 2020: New students welcome!

Based on the FCPS revised plan to begin the 2020-21 school year offering students all virtual classes, the Redeemer Renaissance Day Program (Monday – Friday) will be offered beginning September 8th. The Day Program calendar will follow the FCPS revised 2020-21 school year calendar  (released November 6th).

Fees for the program will remain the same as they were for the previously proposed 3 day per week Day Program (see below).  Children can attend Redeemer Renaissance Monday through Friday after attending virtual classes at home each morning.  Program hours are 11:45 AM – 5:45 PM. Redeemer Renaissance programming will allow for homework support and enrichment. Children currently registered for the Day Program are considered registered for the new hours/Monday-Friday format and will receive more information via email. 

Redeemer Renaissance Day Program for the 2020-21 School Year 

Children are happy and do well when they are able to have routine, especially when learning, completing schoolwork and developing social-emotional skills. At this time, we are expanding our offerings to include a Day Program for children in grades K-6. Families can enjoy a healthy and safe routine on days children do not attend in-person classes at their elementary schools. The Day Program will provide a structured environment utilizing classroom spaces to afford small groups of 9-10 students the opportunity to focus on schoolwork and reading. Groups will spend the balance of the day exploring all of the enriching activities that have traditionally been at the heart of our After-School and Camp programs utilizing the full gym, Activity Hall, the Lego Room, the Reading Corner, the natural play area, outdoor classroom and playground.. Modifications may be made as needed based on the most current information from Fairfax County Public Schools, the CDC, state and local officials, the VA Department of Health, and VA Dept of Social Services. Redeemer Renaissance has gained valuable experience through the operation of Summer Camp 2020 in maintaining protocols for health and safety measures implemented to mitigate risks related to COVID-19.

Critical elements of a healthy and safe environment at Redeemer Renaissance for your child, your family and staff:

  • Group sizes of 9-10 children, assigned to separate classrooms. Groups operate on parallel schedules, but do not intermingle. The number of classes is limited to four (4).
  • Frequently scheduled hand washing and as needed throughout the day.
  • Wearing of masks (and bringing one to spare) at all times for children and staff with the exception of snack and lunch times.
  • Social Distancing will become habit as children learn how to adapt and do things safely. Factors such as purposeful arranging of furniture, schedules and fun exercises aid children as they become masters of their environment.  Children feel empowered to learn from parents, staff and each other how they can be protectors of themselves and those around them.
  • Cleaning and sanitizing throughout the day and professional cleaning and sanitizing each night.

Preliminary Daily Schedule (Groups will not intermingle.)

UPDATE August 31, 2020: The schedule below will be modified to accommodate the FCPS revised all virtual learning plan. The Day Program will now begin tentatively at 11:45 PM and end at 5:45 PM Monday through Friday.

  • 11:45 – 12:00 Upon arrival, children will be screened as they arrive with a parent or guardian.  Children will deposit belongings at their assigned classroom workstation and wash hands. Staff will conduct short meetings to converse with their groups, engaging the children as they learn about each other and set goals for the day.
  • 12:10 – 3:30 Children will accomplish tasks as assigned by their FCPS teachers. This may include using a computer to access assignments and online learning resources.
  • 3:30 – 5:45 Children will wash hands before and after enjoying an afternoon snack.  After snack time, children will do one or more of the following:
  1. Children will finish any schoolwork and do independent reading.  Staff will also read to the children. Children are encouraged to bring books from home and may also borrow reading materials from our library.
  2. This time will be used for active play outdoors (weather permitting). Children will go outside throughout the winter months and should wear appropriate clothing. In the case of inclement weather, children will play in the gym.
  3. Children will continue their day with planned programming. Groups will rotate on a schedule to use the full gym, Activity Hall, the Lego Room, the Reading Corner, the natural play area, outdoor classroom and playground. Every day children will have arts & crafts projects, Check It Out kits to explore, games to play, sports to practice, and an afternoon snack. STEM and cooking projects are also a favorite pastime at Redeemer Renaissance.

Enrichment Classes and Lessons

If it is appropriate and providers are available, optional private music lessons with professional musicians and specialty enrichment classes may be offered in the afternoons for an additional fee. More details will be provided at a later date.

Enrollment for the Redeemer Renaissance Day Program 2020-21 is open on a space available basis. Registration is for the duration of the school year.

To register for the Day Program, use this link: Day Program 2020-21 Registration.


Parents are encouraged to explore any questions they may have now. If parents are unsure, and would like to be placed on the waitlist, the link to be placed on the waitlist is here: Waitlist Redeemer Renaissance 2020-21. Families on the waitlist will be contacted and given the option to register for any remaining spaces or if there is enough interest to form a new group.

Tuition and Registration Fee

Annual tuition is $10,450 per child and can be paid in 10 monthly installments of $1,045 via electronic funds transfer. Monthly installment payments 2 through 9 will be due on the first of each month beginning on October 1, 2020 with the ninth payment due on May 1, 2021. Families currently registered for the After-School Program 2020-21 may opt to apply their paid deposits ($425.00 per child) to the payment due when they register for the Day Program.

The one-time registration fee is $75 per child. Registration forms, registration fees and a deposit payment for the first and last month, the 1st and 10th payments ($2090.00), must be submitted to guarantee your child’s space in the Redeemer Renaissance Day Program. Once paid, this deposit is non-refundable.

Withdrawal from the Redeemer Renaissance Day Program

Fairfax County Public Schools Schedule Revisions:

  • FCPS returns to full-time instruction – future tuition payments will be cancelled and your last month’s deposit will be refunded. Any registration fees or tuition already paid will not be refunded.
  • FCPS returns to hybrid instruction – future tuition payments may be applied to the 3 day per week Day Program format that will be offered at a parent’s request. Monthly tuition will remain the same. If parents opt not to continue in the new Day Program format, future tuition payments will be cancelled and your last month’s deposit will be refunded. Any registration fees or tuition already paid will not be refunded.

Family Decision:

  • Withdrawal for any other reason – Advance thirty (30) day written notice is required to apply the last month’s tuition deposit to the last month of attendance.
  • Withdrawal for any reason without advance thirty (30) day written notice –all tuition and registration fees already paid are non-refundable.

After-School Program 2020-21

It is unclear at this time if the FCPS revised bell schedules will permit an After-School Program for the 2020-21 school year. If there is sufficient time and enrollment, an After-School Program may be offered and will be separate from the Day Program. If families currently registered choose not to participate in the After-School Program, or operation of the After-School Program is suspended for the year, families’ paid deposits will be applied and guarantee enrollment in the After-School Program 2021-22. (Registration for the 2021-22 school year will be held in January 2021.)

New families of children who attend Churchill, Franklin Sherman, Haycock and Kent Gardens may enroll in the After-School by calling 703-356-3346, ext. 106.

Questions regarding registration & waitlists can be sent to


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